Phone: 626-486-5102
Founder: Reddics Johnson
Non-Profit Organization 501(c)
What happened to the days when we all cared about one another? The "old school" love days when people would care about their neighbors and those within the community. Where are are the individuals who step out on faith to reach out to the hurting, homeless, and at-risk youth?
Does this idea of accountability, love, and service still exist?
Faith Over Fear Hospitality House, Inc. is the answer to those questions. With a heart desiring to effectively impact our community, Faith Over Fear Hospitality House
Inc., is committed to providing a safe place for the “misfits” of society to take care of their needs and get on their feet without feeling judged. We cater to the youth and youngadults that are underrepresented; the individuals who don’t fit into the confines of normal society. We serve as the catalyst for this generation; providing care, nourishment, resources, and an outlet. Over the past ten years, we have been very interactive in our community to encourage and uplift, giving hope to the lost.
Faith Over Fear Hospitality House, Inc. was created with the homeless youth in mind. Within the surrounding areas of Seattle alone, many young people have fallen on hard times and have nowhere to go, especially between the hours of 5:00 am to 7:00 pm. Within that time span, there isn’t much to do without being in someone’s way, causing the youth to turn to the street life. Walking through the streets at night, anyone could find some of these young people sleeping in parks, under freeways, and doing just about anything to survive.
Our mission is to combat community deterioration, gang violence, and homelessness, targeting youth between the ages of 11 to 27. Our services are not limited to any specific age, or race, as it is our deepest desire to spread love. We believe in operating in our gifts so that others can see the gifts within themselves. Our mission is to provide resources, bridging the gaps and restoring the love in our families and communities. Our mission is to advocate, empower, and educate at-risk youth, fostering an undefeated mindset that says it is never too late to take a
second chance at life.

Our vision is to open a drop-in center that caters to the immediate needs of those suffering from homelessness and lack of family support. Our vision is to see a young person walk through our door speak to a counselor, utilize our computer lab to find work or register for school, and be assigned a room to stay in, until they are able to get on their feet. The drop-in center will also serve as a place of recreation, which in turn will
combat community deterioration and gang violence, because the youth will have a positive outlet to run to, instead of the streets. Lastly, it is our vision to serve those individuals who are just re-entering society after being incarcerated. We will provide a safe, nurturing atmosphere that will foster the idea of new beginnings; helping with job placement, school enrollment, drug counseling, family reconciliation advocacy, and life-skill education.